FRIENDS CLUB Rewards Program
About Friends Club Rewards Program:
1. F-Coupons- Lucky Draw:
‘50 Lucky Draw’ winners will get F-Coupons up to Rs.100/-
Minimum orders of Rs.1000 in month required to qualify for the draw
The winners for the current month will be notified by email in 1st week of next/ succeeding month (E.g. Aug winners will be notified in Sept 1-7th).
2. Subscriber +vantage:
Rewards exclusively for Friends Subscribers only (Products subscribed: Adult Tape and Pant Diapers)
With Minimum 3 months ongoing# subscription orders placed and get a Friends product Free* with 5th Month order.
Minimum 6 months ongoing# subscription orders placed and minimum Rs. 18,000/- order value (in 6 months) – Get: Friends product Free* with 5th, 8th Month order. Also get Free health check-up from affiliated lab (Our Team will coordinate for same in 8th Month if qualified)
Terms and conditions:
# Order placed & successfully delivered in every month. Cancelled, paused, halted, skipped or return orders not eligible for the rewards.
*Free product value up to Rs. 250 only e.g. underpad or bed bath towel or any other product equivalent to the limit.
The Rewards program is launched and applicable from 1st August 2021.
Existing subscribers and new subscribers will be auto enrolled for Subscriber +vantage, and will be eligible for rewards basis eligibility.