The bladder is one of those organs you don’t pay attention to until it stops working properly. And let us tell you, bladder conditions are no fun. They can be ...
Adjusting to life after prostate cancer surgery can take time. For many men, the emotional impact of what they’ve been through doesn’t hit home until they’ve f...
पेशाब की थैली / यूरिन ब्लैडर हमारे शरीर के महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सों में से एक है। यह पेशाब को संग्रहित करता है और उसे नियमित रूप से निकालता है। पेशाब की थैली में कैं...
बेनाइन प्रोस्टेटिक हाइपरप्लाजिया (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia, BPH/बीपीएच), जिसे बड़े हुए प्रोस्टेट भी कहा जाता है, एक चिकित्सीय स्थिति है जो बुजुर्ग पुरुषों मे...
When you have a healthy prostate, you don’t even know it’s there! And we bet a lot of you don’t even know what a prostate is! Here's an incident, as written to...
“I was very shocked when my doctor diagnosed me with prostate cancer. I told my wife, ‘I have just a few days left. I should get my will prepared.’ Maybe I too...
Healthy Prostate Cancer foods
“When I found out I had prostate cancer, I was scared. But I had a lot of faith in my doctor. I decided to work on myself instead...
Before we start, a little something about prostate:
The prostate is a gland that’s about the size of a walnut. It’s located right below the bladder and surroun...
Your body goes through a great deal of changes as you get older. In many men, their prostate increases in size as they age which leads to an blockage in the fl...