Finding the right treatment that works for you can be difficult. A lot of times you have to depend on word of mouth. The problem with that is people love role-...
प्रोस्टेट एक पौरुष ग्रंथि (A gland in the male reproductive system) हैं, जो सीधे ब्लैडर के नीचे होती है। मूत्रनली ब्लैडर से मूत्र को शरीर से बाहर ले जाने में म...
Have you ever felt a burning sensation after urination and wondered what’s causing it? Many men experience this discomfort. It can be worrisome, but understand...
अगर आपको कभी भी अपने प्राइवेट पार्ट में जलन, खुजली या दर्द महसूस हुआ हो तो यह यूरिन इन्फेक्शन के कारण हो सकता है। पुरुष और महिला दोनों ही यूरिन इन्फेक्शन से प...
Can’t sleep at night because you frequently have to make trips to the loo? Feel embarrassed that you take frequent breaks during your work hours? Do you have t...
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder in men. Prostate cancer occurs when the cells in the prostate gland mutate and grow abnorma...
Urine leakage in men is leaking of a small amount of urine, mostly a few drops, when you are not peeing. It's also known as Urine Incontinence (UI) in men. If ...
What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate gland enlargement, refers to the non-cancerous growth of the prostate glan...