Enlarged Prostate: Best Exercises for Shrinking It
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What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate gland enlargement, refers to the non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland, a condition that is common among older men. It is caused by changes in hormone levels as men get older and is a normal part of the ageing process.

As men age, the prostate naturally grows, but in some cases, this enlargement can lead to symptoms that affect urinary function. A lot of prostate shrinking exercises can help in tackling BPH.

The prostate gland in men is located just below the bladder and surrounds the top portion of urethra that drains urine from the bladder. When the prostate becomes swollen or enlarged, it puts pressure on the urethra and blocks the passage of urine. 

Men with BPH may experience the following symptoms:

  • Having trouble starting and stopping urination
  • Weak stream or flow of urine
  • Urge to pee often
  • Need to go again after just urinating.

The symptoms of BPH can be very irritating and inconvenient so it is natural that men look for ways besides medications to improve their symptoms.

As it turns out, doing yoga poses regularly is one of the best exercises for prostate problems!  A study conducted in 2006 showed that doing exercise such as yoga can help reduce the risk of BPH and improve its symptoms.

In this blog, we are going to explore how yoga helps manage BPH symptoms and learn some enlarged prostate exercises to shrink prostate.

How might yoga help?

Yoga, with its gentle yet targeted poses, can be a valuable complement to traditional treatments for BPH. The practice of yoga has been associated with improved flexibility, reduced stress levels, and enhanced overall well-being. For individuals managing BPH, incorporating specific yoga poses into their routine, such as the Cobbler Pose (Baddha Konasana) and Hero Pose (Virasana), may contribute to symptom relief and an improved quality of life.

The Mind-Body Connection in Prostate Wellness:

Beyond the physical benefits, yoga emphasises the mind-body connection. Stress management plays a crucial role in prostate health, and yoga's focus on relaxation and mindfulness, combined with Japanese exercises to shrink the prostate, can help individuals cope with the emotional aspects of dealing with BPH.

Yoga poses for BPH

The following yoga poses, or asanas, are good for strengthening the pelvic floor and release pelvic tension and may help improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate. They can also help to reduce stress.

  1. Cobbler Pose (Baddha Konasana)

The Cobbler Pose is a seated asana that helps release pelvic tension. The Cobbler Pose is one of the many exercises to reduce prostate enlargement. To do this pose:

Sit down upright with your legs extended in front of you.

Bend your knees to your sides and place the soles of your feet together as close to your pelvis as possible.

Wrap your hands around your feet with your thumbs around your toes, like opening a book.

Lower your knees to the ground, release any tension in your hips

Hold the position for a few minutes and lower your gaze, tuck in the chin, and bend forwards.

Breathe deeply into the pose.

Exit the pose by raising your body and releasing your legs out in front of you.

  1. Hero Pose (Virasana)

The Hero Pose is another seated asana or pose that can help release the pelvic tension. Being one of the best asanas to get right the first time, this asana is one of the best exercises for enlarged prostate. To do this pose:

Kneel down and sit between your feet with your knees touching each-other and feet pointing to the back of the room.

Sit upright so the spine is lengthened.

Rest your palms on your thighs.

Keep your weight between the hips and try not to put too much pressure on the knees.

Hold the position for about 5 minutes.

Exit the pose by rolling to one side to release the legs.

You can always use a cushion for additional support if you find the pose difficult.

  1. Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

This is a lying-down, leg extension asana or pose that helps strengthen the pelvic floor and release tension.

To do the Reclining Big Toe Pose:

Lie on your back with your legs extended.

Bend your left knee, hold your toes and pull your thigh to your chest.

Keep your right leg pressed into the floor with the toes pointing upwards.

Hold on to your toes or put a strap around the feet if they are less flexible.

Straighten the left leg as far as possible.

If you’re using a strap, bring your hands as close to the foot as you can.

Breathe deeply into the position.

Keeping hold of the toes, let the left leg drop out towards your side at a right angle to the body, keep the right leg pressed to the ground.

To exit the pose, bring the left leg back above and then release both legs.

Repeat the instructions again for the other side or your right leg. 

  1. Head-to-Knee Pose (Janusirsasana)

Some yoga practitioners believe that this asana increases blood flow to the prostate and helps detoxify it. However, this belief is not proven by proper scientific research.

To do the seated Head-to-Knee Pose:

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.

Bend your right knee to the side, so that the sole of the right foot rests against the inner thigh of the left leg.

Keep your weight over the left leg and bring your hand in front of you.

Reach forward to hold your left foot, leaning forward from the hips.

Tuck your chin in and bend your head forward and down to rest on your shin.

Breathe deeply into the position to release the tension.

To break out of the position, slowly return to an upright position, releasing both legs.

Repeat on the other side. Sitting on a cushion can provide added support if a person finds the pose difficult.

  1. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This is lying-down back bending asana or posture that strengthens the abdomen, pelvic floor, and lower back. To do Bow Pose:

Lay on your stomach with your arms at either side.

Bending your knees, bring your heels up towards your bottom.

Reaching back with palms facing upwards, grasp hold of each ankle from the inside.

Kick your heels upwards while raising your head, chest, and shoulders, as if trying to get your head and heels to touch.

Looking upwards, breathe deeply into the position.

Repeat the pose twice, hold for 30 seconds and release.

  1. Shoulder Stand (Biparitkarani Mudra)

This is a more advanced position that should only be tried when you have built up some strength in your lower back and pelvic floor.

Many yoga practitioners believe that this asana helps improve the health of the prostrate by stimulating the nerves and muscles of the sexual glands which makes it one of the best exercises for reducing enlarged prostate. Again, this is not proven by proper scientific research. To do the shoulder stand pose:

Lie down on your back, rest your head on the ground with your hands resting on either side of the body.

Keeping the feet and legs together, raise your legs upwards higher and higher to lift your hips off the ground.

Use your hands to support your lower back but use your strength to lift body up rather than resting the weight on your hands.

Hold the stomach in and try to keep the legs straight in line with the hips.

Breathe deeply into the pose.

Hold the position for up to 2 minutes.

To break out of the pose, slowly bring your legs down while keeping your back supported with your hands.

Doing yoga might seem hard and time consuming in the beginning, but with regular practice you should get the hang of it! With practice, the exercise itself will also become easier and you might even have fun!

Even though yoga helps and is sure to bring about improvements, there are also other exercises you can try. Another exercise that helps is Kegel exercises and is just as effective as yoga. To do Kegels:

Imagine yourself trying to stop urination mid-stream or imagine yourself trying to prevent yourself from passing gas. The muscles you just clenched are your pelvic floor muscles. 

Now that you have identified your pelvic floor muscles, tighten them for 3-5 seconds, and then relax them for 3-5 seconds.

Repeat this process 10 times to complete a set, and aim to do 3 sets per day. 

Make sure not to tighten the muscles in your abdomen, buttocks, or thighs, and avoid holding your breath while performing the exercise. 

Prostate exercise for enlarged prostate also includes aerobic exercises like swimming, speed walking, hiking that can keep your prostate healthy. We hope you have fun trying out these yoga poses!

Other prostate exercises for BPH

While yoga provides targeted benefits, diversifying your exercise routine is key to comprehensive prostate health. Prostate exercises, including Japanese exercises to shrink prostate, offer unique approaches. Incorporating these exercises to shrink prostate into your routine alongside yoga poses can enhance the overall effectiveness of your prostate care regimen.

Incorporating Japanese exercises to shrink prostate:

What is the japanese method to shrink the prostate? Japanese exercise method includes techniques for prostate health focus on gentle movements and holistic well-being. Incorporating these alongside yoga poses, such as the Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), can enhance the overall effectiveness of your prostate care regimen.

5 Exercise Tips for a Healthy Prostate

  1. Include Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling, play a vital role in maintaining overall health, including prostate health. Engaging in regular aerobic activity, along with exercise to reduce prostate size, contributes to improved blood flow and may help manage BPH symptoms.

  1. Include Exercises that Increase the Release of Antioxidants

Incorporating prostate exercises that increase the release of antioxidants is beneficial for prostate health. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, supporting the overall function of the prostate gland and potentially mitigating symptoms associated with BPH.

  1. Do Interval Training

Interval training, characterised by alternating between short bursts of intense activity and periods of rest, offers an efficient workout strategy. This approach can boost cardiovascular health and contribute to the overall well-being of the prostate.

  1. Do Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises for prostate health are valuable. These exercises can help improve bladder control and may alleviate some of the urinary symptoms associated with BPH.

  1. Exercise at Least Three Times a Week

Consistency is key when it comes to exercise for prostate health. Aim to incorporate a mix of aerobic activities, targeted exercises like Kegels, and the holistic benefits of yoga into your weekly routine. Strive for at least three exercise sessions per week to maintain a proactive approach to prostate care.

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Dealing with an enlarged prostate can be tough as it brings along a lot of other health issues. Keep in constant touch with your doctor, speak to your friends and family about this condition, seek support groups and remember that you're never alone in this. For more help and information, keep reading Friends' blogs! :)

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