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Ever experienced a sudden leak down there? Usually, that’s how urinary incontinence starts before becoming more frequent, or increasing in intensity. Both men and women can have urinary incontinence. Women tend to experience it twice as often. According to recent studies, nearly half of all women experience urinary incontinence at least for a few months in their lifetime. This is especially common due to childbirth, menopause and pregnancy—activities that cause sagging/loosening of muscles in the pelvic area. 

To put it simply, incontinence or urine leakage is the uncontrolled trickling of urine from the bladder system caused due to a muscular, nervous or organ related issue. Frequent urination and leakage are now easily manageable due to the availability of affordable adult diapers in the market.

Causes and Tell-tale Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

How to stop urine leakage depends on the type of urinary incontinence being faced. Broadly, the types of incontinence include: 

  • Stress incontinence – Urination when your bladder is under pressure, for example, when you cough or laugh

  • Urge incontinence – Urination when you feel a sudden, intense urge to pee, or soon afterwards

  • Overflow incontinence – When one is unable to fully empty their bladder, which causes frequent leaking

  • Total incontinence – Urination when the bladder cannot store any urine at all, which causes you to pass urine constantly or have frequent leaking

The main symptoms of incontinence are as follows: 

  • The need to urinate more than twice at night 

  • Strong urge to urinate followed by no actual urine 

  • Inability to hold urine for more than a few minutes 

  • Leakage of a few drops of urine while coughing, laughing, sneezing or sitting.

  • A google search history for enquiries such as ‘how to stop urinating at night’, ‘how to control urine’ or ‘how to control urine pressure’.

In order to control or manage this here are a few ways that you can follow -

  1. Biofeedback: Here a therapist places an electrical sensor over your bladder and pelvic muscles, which is connected to a TV screen. You can then observe how your pelvic muscles contract and relax, and use the information to learn how to control them better.

  2. Surgery and Medicines: Some medicines that can help the bladder muscles to relax, and therefore avoid spasms of contraction can help reduce some types of incontinence. But since they often cause rather uncomfortable side effects, they must always be used on the advice of a physician. Similarly, women with dribbles of urine may be able to use a pessary, which is a stiff ring inserted in the vagina. Again, the procedure should only be done by a qualified healthcare worker.
    Surgery can be an option in both men and women patients in whom other, less drastic treatment options have been tried without success. In men, this is usually a follow-up of prostate surgery and involves the creation of an artificial (urinary) sphincter. An alternative is to inject bulking agents into the urine passage, which makes it a bit harder for the urine to pass through. In very aged patients, not considered fit for surgery, these may be used but are hardly chosen otherwise.
    In women, the most useful surgical operation is colposuspension which means a mesh of threads is created to provide support for the bladder entrance, where the urethra begins. This can take care of conditions where the pelvic floor muscles have become weak for a variety of reasons. Further, it can now be done through a minimally invasive technique as well.

  3. Vaginal Tape: Working on the same principle is the Tension-free Vaginal Tape, which is inserted surgically through the pubic region and helps to support the bladder from below. It does not need general anesthesia and the patient can, therefore, go home the same day. The creation of an artificial sphincter of bulking agents such as silicone or Teflon may also be used in rare cases, where nothing else works.

However such assisted procedures are not the only way.

Proven Home Remedies to Manage/Control Urinary Incontinence Challenges

If there are numerous ways in which one's ability to control urine passage can be impaired, ranging from arthritis of the knees and hips to cancer in different parts of the body, the affected peoples’ responses also cover a wide canvas. The latter can be as simple as timed visits to the toilet at fixed intervals or avoiding certain foods or beverages to very complex technologies such as the use of biofeedback signals.

Whether your query is on how to control urine at night, how to control urine pressure, how to stop urine leakage or how to control urine spurting out, in general, you need to first understand what is causing the incontinence you are facing? The reason for uncontrollable urine at night for example could both be ageing and a Urinary Tract Infection.

Here are some proven DIY remedies to try out before visiting the doctor or opting for an invasive surgery:

  1. Timed Toilet Visits: Much in the same way as a tiny tot is given its first toilet training, elderly people might need to be reoriented with regard to their toilet habits. This works best in people who have difficulty in feeling the urge to pass urine (due to conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease) or local nerve damage on account of diabetes, some degenerative disorders, etc. Since the average person's bladder can hold a maximum of about 400 ml of urine, the individual would be required to estimate how long it takes to fill up. Starting with a higher than normal frequency, say, every hour, the interval can gradually be increased as long as feasible.

  2. Diapers and other soaking devices: No parent would think twice about using a diaper on an infant or even a child of two or three, but adult diapers are less easily accepted. Similarly, in cases of frequent urination and leakage, where the person is unable to reach the toilet in time, perhaps on account of physical infirmity, adult diapers may be quite useful. Where the problem is nothing more than leakage of a few drops, even a diaper may not be required. A special device somewhat resembling a finger glove, known as a drip collector, made of absorbent material may be quite sufficient. Alternatively, underwear with extra padding to absorb the leakage can be used.

  3. Bladder control exercises: These are most useful in cases of urge incontinence or people in whom there is a leakage of a few drops. One of the most commonly practiced is known as Kegel Exercises. This works as follows: squeeze the muscles of your genital area for 3 seconds, as if you are trying to stop passing urine or gas, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat this exercise until you can complete about 10 sets, and then slowly increase the duration of the exercises. In the beginning, it is better to do these exercises under the supervision of a doctor or nurse, who can show you the correct way.

  4. Making lifestyle changes - Changes such as cutting down on caffeine and alcohol can be helpful to a person suffering from incontinence. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages increase urine production. Hence, it is advisable to limit the consumption of these. Moreover, doing pelvic floor exercises, which are sometimes can strengthen your muscles to support your organs, improve bladder control, and prevent urine leakage. However, you can use adult diaper pants to stay in control at all times.

  5. Maintain a healthy BMI - Being overweight or obese is associated with a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence. In fact, a study showed that older adults are no less prone to incontinence than those with high BMI. For cases like these, there are diaper pants for adults that come in handy when things go out of control.

  6. Try yoga - Trying out yoga may go some way to reducing symptoms of urinary incontinence. It can help people with urinary incontinence gain more control over urination and avoid accidental leakage. Yoga asanas designed to improve pelvic health have a 70% reduced chance of urine leakage. Also, one can use diaper pants for adults while still in the process of learning control over their bladder.

The Importance of Stayed Hydrated

Due to the nature of the condition, one can never tell when they might face involuntary leakage. Keeping this in mind patients often tend to cut down on their water intake to avoid such accidents. This actually does more harm than good. 

It is now understood that dehydration can trigger incontinence. Staying hydrated is one of the key requirements for the entire body to function which includes the bladder, kidneys and urethra. As per a study, dehydration causes the urine inside your bladder to become concentrated which thereby irritates the bladder. Thus, leading to increased urination. 

Dehydration can also lead to headaches, dizziness and a lack of concentration on top of bladder irritation. Inadequate hydration also leads to constipation, which can indirectly cause urinary incontinence when a strained bowel places pressure on the bladder.

Plus, the more concentrated the urine, the stronger and more noticeable the smell, which in turn causes more embarrassment in case you do end up voiding involuntarily. 

Here are a few tips on getting adequate H2O:  

  1. Not too much, not too little, just strike the right balance -
    Listen to your body and drink as much water as it needs. While some say that we need eight glasses of water a day, your body type and level of physical activity will surely give the right indication of how much you may need. 

  2. Observe the colour of your urine
    Another titbit is the colour of your urine which tells you how well hydrated you are. A dark yellow colour signifies that you need more water, whereas crystal clear urine means that you are overhydrated. The colour of healthy urine is a pale straw colour that tells you that you are hydrated just the right amount. If you are unable to gauge the colour you could even give your diaper pants for adults a peek after use to understand better. 

  3. Keep a bladder diary -
    Maintaining a proper bladder diary is one of the best ways of tracking the relationship between your fluid intake and the frequency of urination. It also helps you track the occurrence of accidents or leakages that happen in tandem with what fluid and how much of it you were having at the time. This, thereby, helps you understand just the right amount of fluid intake. If the visits do increase you can opt to use elderly diapers to better manage your situation.

  4. Drink when thirsty -
    Are you one of those who cut down on water before a meeting or any event, even though you are parched? Don't do that, as dehydration at any given time is not good news and hence not good for your body and bladder. You could rather opt to take small, frequent sips to ensure that you aren't thirsty. And, you can even choose to use elderly diapers that will help you manage incontinence in situations like these. 

  5. Stick to water -
    Sugary and alcoholic beverages tend to cause bladder irritation and don't even hydrate you optimally. It is best to stick with water or probably herbal tea during the day. If you struggle to drink plain water, you could maybe flavour them with a few slices of lemon, strawberry or mint to make it a refreshing drink. On top of that, you could manage urine leakage by giving underpads a try when going to bed. 

  6. Limit your fluid intake before bedtime - If you feel you are more prone to accidents during the night, then try having your last drink a while before you go to bed. Do try avoiding caffeinated drinks or alcohol before bedtime as it tends to cause more irritation in the bladder and thereby cause accidents. To be extra sure and certainly more comfortable you could opt for underpads during bed to have a sound sleep. 

Water also helps maintain the condition of the patient’s skin, which often, in touch with urine and faeces for extended periods of time, creases or dampens.

DIY Skin-Care Routine for Incontinence patients

*Akash Rastogi, a 55 year old resident of Nagpur started feeling the same kind of discomfort during the monsoons in September 2016. He felt itchiness around the anus, (caused by urinary incontinence,) which he underestimated at first, by just wiping it off with a hand towel. However, by the time he realized the situation had not got under control, his skin had already turned a little red and sore, which made him consult his doctor. Subsequently, the doctor recommended the right treatment options and advised him to use adult diapers to manage it and to protect his skin until the treatment commenced. Today, after 3 years, he is living a happy, relaxed life with no sign of incontinence at all.

The water/ liquid present in urine dulls the skin tissue, which makes it easier for the skin to get burnt. Once the skin is damaged, it is prone to skin infections, such as urinary tract infections and bacterial infections. So, for people with incontinence, taking care of their skin and keeping it healthy and well-moisturized to prevent these upsetting skin issues is quite essential. Many people believe that cleansing skin with soap and water is enough, but that is not true in the case of incontinence.

Here are some good tips on how to protect your skin from incontinence:

  • Wash the skin with care: Wash your skin with a disposable wet wipe or wash-cloth, before putting on a new diaper every time. Instead of soap, use perineal cleansers specifically designed for delicate skin. They do not irritate the skin and eliminate the collection of urine or faeces from it.

  • Keep it well-moisturized: In order to keep the skin healthy and well-moisturized, you can use exclusive skin care products, like barrier cream, film-forming skin protectant, and anti-bacterial cream. All of these products are specifically made to ensure that skin is not affected by excessive moisture or the urine/ faeces that might get attached to the skin.

  • Take extra care of sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin or skin allergies, then avoid using perfumed moisturizers. Also, make sure that you do not use liquids with alcohol or any sort of disinfectant while washing the skin, as they can cause soreness and skin rashes.

  • Consume plenty of fluids: Water or healthy drinks help your skin to get rid of toxins. So, consume plenty of fluids as well as water, to keep it healthy. Many people are under the impression that water intake might ruin the problem of incontinence as it amplifies the frequency of the urge to urinate, but that is a myth. Dehydration leads to concentrated urine, which is more painful as it passes through the bladder.

  • Change adult diapers frequently: Once the diaper starts feeling a bit heavier as well as uncomfortable, then change it. Ensure you change the diapers twice in one day, at least - although this depends on the level of incontinence one is suffering from. Changing your diaper frequently ensures that the skin is not exposed to leaked urine or faeces, for a considerable amount of time.

Other than the suggestions given above, eating a balanced diet and getting a good night’s sleep is also very essential to retain the quality of your skin.

How Friends Diapers Can Help

We, at Friends Adult Diapers, yearn to improve the quality of life for people suffering from incontinence, with a wide range of adult diapers online. We have highly absorbent adult diapers for men as well as women. If the issue of incontinence is intolerable or too regular, one should surely go for a check-up. However, until it gets treated, using adult diaper pants can really help to get rid of the accompanying hassles like bacterial or fungal infections.

Our range of highly-absorbent, comfortable adult incontinence diapers will help you in the following ways and give you that much-needed sigh of relief:

  • Save yourself from embarrassment
    Sometimes, dealing with a sudden signal of incontinence can be embarrassing, especially if the person is on a professional trip or at a social event. Stress incontinence can lead to abnormal functioning of the bladder when one laughs or sneezes or carries something heavy. So, using adult diapers available at Friends Adult Diapers can be pretty comforting in uncontrollable situations such as these.

  • Help to relieve stress
    When you are extremely stressed about how to manage your incontinence issues, it takes away your peace of mind. However, we have got the best adult diapers you can find in India, which will not only give you the desired comfort but will also put your mind at ease, leaving you in a carefree, happy mood.

  • Boost the quality of sleep
    People who suffer from any kind of incontinence are required to go to the washroom at irregular intervals of time, and that too, at odd hours. So, it does ruin the quality of sleep and leaves you exhausted and irritated the next day. Using Friends adult diapers will help you shrug off the physical sensation of irritation that comes along with it, and will give you the mental space to get a good night’s sleep. We have a variety of adult diapers for urinary incontinence to choose from.

  • Protection from skin issues
    Other than managing incontinence, adult diapers also protect you from harmful skin conditions like irritation, bacterial or fungal infections, lacerations, and dermatitis.

So, do not miss out on any part of life because of something that you can overcome. Shop for highly absorbent, comfy adult diapers for women or men at Friends Adult Diapers, in order to live an uncompromising, happy, stress-free life.

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