Bladder Infection and Itching: Here's What You Should Do
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Shruti Ghadi

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Bladder infections are a common type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that can cause discomfort and itching. If you've ever experienced bladder infection and itching, you know how disruptive it can be to daily life. The condition is not only physically uncomfortable but can also impact your emotional well-being, making it essential to address the symptoms promptly. This article will explore the causes of itching during urination, effective home remedies, and the steps you can take to alleviate this condition. 

Causes of Itching While Urinating 

The sensation of itching during urinating is usually an indication of a problem, the most common of which is a urinary infection. Here are the primary causes: 

  1. Bladder Infections (Cystitis)

Bladder infections are caused by bacteria that get into the urinary system and multiply, causing inflammation. This can lead to conditions such as bladder infection and itching, frequent urination and a burning sensation when passing urine. The itching is usually as a result of inflammation of the bladder lining by bacteria. 

  1. Fungal Infections

While less common, fungal infections can also affect the urinary tract and cause itching. This happens when there is an overgrowth of yeast, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems or those taking antibiotics. 

  1. Allergic Reactions

Bladder infection and itching may be due to the use of soaps, feminine hygiene sprays or even laundry detergents that may come into contact with the sensitive areas. 

  1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Some STIs for instance chlamydia or gonorrhoea might produce the same signs and symptoms of a urinary infection for instance itching and burning. 

  1. Irritation from Urinary Stones

The stones or crystals formed in the urinary system can cause inflammation to the bladder lining. 

Also Read : What are the Symptoms of a Bladder Infection in Females? 


Home Remedies for Itching While Urinating 

If you are suffering from bladder infection and itching, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate your symptoms- 

  1. Stay Hydrated

It is important to drink a lot of water because it washes out bacteria from the urinary tract. Maintaining good fluid balance dilutes the urine and reduces the severity of the burning sensation that comes with the infection. 

  1. Use a Warm Compress

Bringing heat to the lower abdomen is helpful in getting rid of pain and itching sensations when one applies a warm compress to this area. It also aids in blood circulation at the area, since cold constricts the blood vessels, therefore reducing pain as the skin heals. 

  1. Try Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is also famous for its properties that help to stop bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract. It may not treat an existing infection but it can be a good supplement to your daily regimen for bladder infection and itch. 

  1. Consume Probiotics

Probiotics can also aid in keeping the bacterial flora of the urinary and digestive tract in correct proportions. Probiotic foods such as yoghurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables will help fight bacterial overgrowth that results in itching. 

Also Read: Have These 5 Foods to Avoid Bladder Infection 

  1. Avoid Irritants

Do not use products containing chemicals near the genital area. Use no scented laundry soap or body soaps and shampoos that portray “hypoallergenic” on their labels to minimise the chances of an allergic reaction that will cause itching in the urinary tract. 

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking a cup of apple cider vinegar in warm water can also help reduce itching and irritation that comes with a bladder infection. It may also help to reduce the infection because of its antibacterial properties. 

  1. Practise Good Hygiene

It is important to maintain cleanliness in order to avoid and control urinary infection and itching. It is also recommended to wash from front to back after using the washroom and avoid wearing tight-fitting underwear that traps moisture. 

  1. D-Mannose Supplements

D-Mannose is a natural sugar which has been proved to work against and cure UTIs because it does not allow bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract. Although more studies are required, this supplement helps many people to reduce itching due to bladder infections. 

  1. Increase Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C boosts the body’s ability to fight diseases and makes the urine condition less friendly for the bacteria. To help prevent bladder infection itch, you should incorporate citrus fruits, berries, and leafy green vegetables in your diet. 

  1. Baking Soda Solution

Drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda also has the implication of making the urine less acidic and can soothe the itching. 


Bladder infections and itching can be disruptive, but remedies like staying hydrated, consuming probiotics, and using natural options such as apple cider vinegar can provide relief. In some cases, antibiotics may be necessary to resolve itching in the urinary tract. While drinking large amounts of water is a key remedy for managing bladder infections, this can be challenging for incontinent individuals. In this case, Friends Adult Diapers provide an excellent solution, offering superior absorption and leak protection. This allows you to stay confident and focus on healing without worry. With the right combination of remedies and practical aids, you can effectively manage symptoms of urinary infection and itching, improving your quality of life. 


  1. What is the reason for itching when passing urine?

Itching can be caused by bladder infections, fungal infections, irritants or STIs. 

  1. What can I do to prevent my urinary tract from itching?

Drink water, avoid things that can make it worse, and use treatments like probiotics or warm baths. 

  1. What is the management of itchy urine holes?

Wash, use gentle products, and see a doctor if the situation does not improve. 

  1. Can urinary infections lead to itching?

Yes, they can cause irritation of the urinary tract and itching. 

  1. What can I do to make my private area not itch?

It should be clean, dry and all the products used on it should be hypoallergenic. Seek medical help if needed. 

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