Health Risks Associated with Diabetes | Friends Adult Diapers
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Diabetes is a medical condition which occurs when the pancreas fail to produce insulin for moving glucose into the cells in our body. This causes blood sugar levels to become higher than normal and leads to a build-up of sugar in the bloodstream.

It is said that having one medical condition can increase the risk of contracting other health issues in the body. Diabetes is often known as the silent killer because it brings several other disorders and symptoms in its tow. One of the chronic conditions that is associated with this silent killer is urinary incontinence - the uncontrollable urge to urinate which leads to accidental release of urine at any point of time. This is because the high blood sugar levels caused by diabetes often triggers thirst in a person. This increases the amount of urine produced in the body and thereby makes the person urinate more.

Diabetes - The Silent Killer 

Furthermore, diabetes causes complications by damaging the nerves of the urinary bladder that control the flow and extent of urine. This condition is known as autonomic neuropathy which compromises on one’s immune system as well. It makes a person, especially the elderly prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs) as well as leads to severe incontinence. Women with diabetes have a greater risk of developing urinary incontinence than men due to the weakening of pelvis muscles during childbirth. Due to diabetes, they start experiencing a disorder called the neurogenic bladder which impairs the ability of the bladder muscle to contract. This increases the urgency to urinate frequently.

To manage the constant pressure of voiding, diabetic incontinence patients often use unisex adult diapers. As the name suggests, unisex adult diapers can be used by both men and women comfortably. These help in absorbing the flow for long hours and provide ease of movement. These diapers prove to be extremely useful for the elderly. They are saved from the risk of falling and hurting themselves when they have to rush to the bathroom, especially at night. For night-time voiding, caretakers of older patients prefer to use diaper sheets for adults that are designed to absorb the flow and keep the patient dry. Diaper sheets for adults are handy during changing the diapers of a patient who is bedridden and is suffering from incontinence. It makes the process less messy and hygienic by preventing leakage on the clothes or bedcovers as well as keeps the patient from contracting rashes.

Discuss incontinence with their doctor 

It is important for a diabetic patient to discuss incontinence with their doctor. Doctors often suggest patients or caretakers to maintain a diary that keeps record of how often one has urinated during the day, their food and water intake. Doctors also ask about the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and conduct a physical exam – usually a urine test to check for a bladder infection. There are many simple ways by which one can take better care of themselves and their bladder control. Keeping one’s blood sugar levels within a targeted range helps to reduce the risk of complications, excessive thirst and frequent urination. Diabetic patients should also start wearing unisex adult diapers to combat with the constant pressure of incontinence.

Bladder dysfunction can have a profound effect on a patient’s life, especially the elderly who feel helpless, dependant and depressed. It is important for them to stay well-informed about treatment options and aids like elderly diapers. These adult diapers help the elderly patients to live more comfortably and manage incontinence without the feeling of shame and embarrassment. As one gets older, it is advised that they get routine check-ups as well as understand the health risks associated with each stage. This way one can be ready to make some lifestyle changes required for maintaining a healthy physique. It is also imperative for those suffering from diabetes or those who are at risk due to family history to keep this silent killer under control from an early stage to lower the risk of urologic and other problems in the future.

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