Ultimate Guide to Adult Diapers & Incontinence | Friends Diaper
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Do you frequently have urine leakages as a result of uncontrollable urges and a failure to get to the toilet? You could be suffering from urine incontinence  - a distressing condition limiting your everyday routines.

Many affected individuals shy away from informing a doctor about their incontinence, being plagued by embarrassment and wrongly assuming that this condition cannot be treated. In India, over 60 million people suffer from urinary incontinence, which translates to approximately 4 in 100 individuals being afflicted. The intensity of the leakage can differ from person to person, ranging from minor dribbles to large floods of urine.

Let’s do a deep dive into the main types of urinary incontinence, its causes, and how adult diapers can help you control the leakages and lead a care-free life.

Urinary Incontinence - Overview

Urinary incontinence refers to the inability to hold your urine in the bladder. As we all know, urine is stored in the bladder after being produced by the kidneys. The bladder muscles tighten, and the sphincter muscles relax to force out the urine through the urethra whenever you need to urinate. However, incontinence occurs when these muscles are dysfunctional, and urine starts leaking.

The main types of incontinence are :

  • Stress incontinence occurs when sudden pressure on your bladder and weak pelvic floor causes you to release urine. Stress urinary incontinence is usually triggered by actions like sneezing, laughing, running, lifting, and bending. 

  • Urge incontinence - Also known as urgency incontinence, it takes place when you have an uncontrollable urge to pee, which doesn’t allow you enough time to reach the bathroom. Urge continence is usually caused by issues in the nerves and muscles that control the bladder.

  • Overflow incontinence - If your bladder does not empty entirely after normal urination due to obstruction, it results in urinary retention. The bladder is more prone to getting full now, which causes urine leakage.

  • Functional incontinence - refers to the mental/physical disabilities and communication problems limiting a person from urinating properly. For example, an individual with poor mobility can fail to get to the toilet, or an Alzheimer’s patient may find that they are unaware of their need to urinate.

  • Transient incontinence is the urine leakage caused by a temporary reason such as - an infection or a new medication.

  • Mixed incontinence - Several people suffer from a combination of two types of incontinence - stress and urge incontinence.

  • Total incontinence – In the most extreme and rare cases, the bladder can fail to store any urine at all after experiencing fatal nerve impairment from an injury or genetic condition.

Leading Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Urine incontinence is usually caused by the overactivity of the detrusor muscle that controls and regulates the functioning of the bladder. 

Let’s take a look at the possible urinary incontinence causes:

  • Urinary tract infections: An infection in the urethral opening or kidney causes swelling, pain, and irritation in the bladder. As a result, you may face an increased urge to pee often and other urinary bladder problems. Usually, once the infection is treated, such incontinence goes away as well.

  • Chronic Constipation - The rectum is very close to the bladder, and both places share several nerves. A build-up of hard stool that needs the exertion of excess pressure on the pelvic structures and straining the pelvic muscles for evacuation can weaken the bladder and lead to incontinence.

  • Medications: Medicines commonly used in treating significant illnesses like high blood pressure, depression, and insomnia increase urine production and overwhelm the bladder to worsen incontinence symptoms.

  • Fluid Overconsumption - An increase in the consumption of alcohol, caffeinated drinks, artificially sweetened and fizzy beverages can overstimulate the bladder and increase incontinence symptoms. Keep a watch on your fluid intake throughout the day to make sure it does not exceed 1.5 liters. 

The long-term incontinence causes can include:

  • Chronic Diseases - Chronic conditions like diabetes, kidney, and vascular illnesses are closely linked with urinary incontinence. Individuals with diabetes are more prone to neuropathy or nerve damage around the bladder. High blood sugar levels result in higher urine production, which can cause frequent urinary leaks.

  • Interstitial cystitis refers to a chronic illness that stiffens your bladder and causes inflammation, making your bladder store less urine.

  • Pelvic floor diseases: When your pelvic floor muscles are dysfunctional, it can negatively affect the functioning of your other organs, including your bladder.

  • Stroke: One of the common side effects of a stroke is muscle mobility and control issues, including the muscles regulating the urinary system.
  • Bladder stones - The presence of kidney stones can interfere with your release of urine and cause pain with long-term bladder difficulties. Thus, the stones can lead to urinary incontinence.

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS): Neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s’, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s’ often hinder the communication of nerve signals that facilitate urine movement in the boy, leading to regular urine leakage. Studies show that over 80 percent of individuals with MS develop urinary incontinence.

  • Enlarged prostate: The prostate gland surrounding the bladder neck plays a vital role in nourishing and protecting your sperm. Benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis are conditions where the prostate gland enlarges to cause stress incontinence. Injury to the penile tissue can cause the development of fibrous scars; this is known as Peyronie’s disease. This disease creates an abnormal curvature and may result in incontinence.

  • Cancer - Bladder or prostate cancer can also cause urinary incontinence, with tumors blocking the urine flow. Treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy, destroy your nerves, including the nerves close to the bladder, making it more difficult for you to control urine. Also, in certain surgeries like prostate cancer surgery and hysterectomy, the sphincter muscle may get damaged, leading to urinary bladder problems.

Telltale Symptoms

For a smooth diagnosis of your bladder leakage issues, you must identify the primary urinary incontinence symptoms such as: 

  • constantly having to rush to the toilet to pass urine

  • leaking urine when you laugh, bend, cough, jump or participate in any strenuous physical activity

  • constantly feeling that the bladder is not empty

  • having to strain your bladder to urinate

  • experiencing poor urine flow

  • Interrupting your sleep multiple times in the middle of the night to urinate

  • wetting the bed during sleep

  • being unable to control urine after getting an intense and sudden urge 

Maintaining a bladder diary where you track how much fluid you consume, how often you urinate, and how many times urine leakage takes place can help the doctor better understand your condition.

Risk Factors and Complications

Here are the common risk factors of urinary incontinence

  • Gender - As per the Urology Care Foundation reports, urinary incontinence is more common in women than men because they have a shorter urethra which is more susceptible to weakness and damage. In addition to that, the female anatomy changes brought about by pregnancy and menopause alter the structure of the bladder. 

Pregnancy puts excess weight on the muscles holding up the bladder and may lead to bladder prolapse. The hormonal changes during pregnancy also contribute to the impairment of the bladder. In some cases, vaginal childbirth can stretch to a great extent and trigger urinary incontinence. 

Estrogen is responsible for keeping the tissue lining in the bladder healthy. Still, the onset of menopause decreases estrogen levels, weakens the bladder muscles, and thin out the urethra lining to cause leakage. 

While women primarily complain of experiencing stress and urge incontinence, men have overflow incontinence.

  • Aging - As you increase in age, all your muscles, including the bladder tissues, tend to get older. They lose their elasticity and are rendered incapable of controlling the urine as they used to, causing urinary incontinence. The bladder is also more sensitive as you age and becomes overactive quickly.

  • Genetics - A family history of incontinence can increase your chances of suffering from incontinence. Alongside, some individuals are born with pelvic floor muscles, which have a greater tendency of getting weaker over time and developing urinary incontinence.

  • Obesity - A high Body Mass Index (BMI) is a severe risk factor for stress incontinence because the expansion of the abdomen stretches the muscles supporting the bladder to increase the risk of urine leakage and incontinence.

  • Smoking - Chain smokers tend to have a chronic cough, and every time they cough, they raise their abdominal pressure, which puts them at a higher risk for urinary continence.

Remember that having any of these risk factors does not automatically mean having incontinence. Still, if you experience persistent symptoms, you must reach out to a doctor for diagnosis and effective treatment. The doctor may suggest you take basic blood and urine tests to eliminate the possibility of an underlying condition. Based on the tests results, the doctor may prescribe medication or explore surgical options.

Complications caused by incontinence include:

  • The continuously wet skin can result in skin infections and sores.

  • Incontinence may lead to the recurrence of urinary tract infections.

  • You may develop trauma and infection due to the constant use of catheters.
  • Urinary incontinence can negatively impact your mental health due to social isolation from embarrassment and causes depression.

  • Obstructive uropathy can result in medical conditions like renal dysfunction, pressure ulcers, and cellulitis.

  • Decreased participation in high-impact sports and physical activity

How Can Adult Diapers Help Manage Urinary Incontinence Challenges

Wearing adult diapers is one of the best ways to combat urinary incontinence lowering your quality of life. Even as you undergo medical intervention and traditional treatments for incontinence, adult diapers can prove vital in managing symptoms.

Adult diapers save individuals with urinary incontinence from embarrassing situations by resolving their anxiety of urinary leaks in public. Since it can be incredibly distressing to deal with frequent and sudden urges to urinate, adult diapers make life with incontinence much more convenient.

Now you can bid farewell to the panic and stress of running around and finding bathrooms in any possible location. With Friends adult diapers, you can embrace freedom and stay wherever you are. The diapers can be worn both during the day and night for absorbency and leak control.

The leakage during urinary incontinence can leave physical stains on your clothing and bedding; adult diapers help ensure that you never have to see your clothes get spoiled from urinary leakage again.

Adult diapers can easily absorb the foul odor arising from the bladder due to incontinence to help you stay worry-free about the people around being aware of your condition. They are also worn for dealing with fecal incontinence, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.

The types of adult diapers include -

  • Briefs - These are the adult diapers with tabs on the sides. The cloth or plastic backings can be refastened and worn again and again.

  • Pull-up Diapers resemble your underwear, which can be pulled up and down quickly for maximum comfort.

  • Reusable Diapers - These diapers are on the more expensive side since they are built with special absorbent pads that can be washed, dried, and then reused. 

Simple tips to deal with adult diapers:

  • Change diapers frequently - To prevent infections and keep yourself clean, change your diapers as regularly as possible after considerable leakage occurs. 

  • Take care of your skin- It’s essential to be gentle when changing your diapers to prevent tears and cuts on fragile skin. Disinfectant wipes and a soap-free mild cleanser will help you maintain hygiene. A barrier cream or ointment can aid in relieving any sores that a strong exposure to urine might cause.

  • Choose to wear loose-fitting clothes that allow you to stay comfortable with the adult diapers inside.

Key Aspects to Consider While Choosing The Right Adult Diaper

The key to feeling confident while having incontinence lies in choosing the correct adult diaper that meets all your needs.

Here are some factors that you must take into consideration :

  • Type and Ease of Use - Among all the different types of adult diapers available in the market, you should buy the one that fits best for your body size and physique. Stay away from diapers that are too large because it increases the chances of leakage, and too small diapers will be highly uncomfortable and may resist circulation. Your diaper must help you feel normal, burden-free, and blend in with your clothing at all times

  • Absorption - Depending upon the severity of your incontinence - how often and how much urine you are losing, you can decide the absorption levels you want in your diapers.

If you sleep after taking medicines that might make you extra drowsy or are traveling for a few hours non-stop, heavy absorbent diapers (Friends Overnight) will be your best friend. However, if you wear diapers only when you step out of the home for a visit to the nearest grocery store, bank, or park - light absorbency diapers or pads (Friends Premium Diapers or Friends Insert Pads) are a better choice. 

  • Material - The diapers you choose must be of high quality to ensure an optimal experience throughout the day. Opt for cloth-backing diapers over all-plastic ones as the plastic diapers can be highly distracting due to their noises and bulky feel.

  • Cost and Availability - Cost is a considerably less critical factor in comparison to the other factors. Avoid diapers that are incredibly cheap as they compromise on the quality by making diapers filled with toxic chemicals, artificial fragrances, and latex that may harm your skin.

Often, people are embarrassed about buying diapers at their local grocery stores and pharmacies. Our incontinence products and adult diapers are readily available online for a smooth buying process that protects your privacy. 

  • Odour Controlling Ability - Urinary odor is one of the most common and frustrating side effects of incontinence. Adult diapers with good odor control systems can help keep the smell to a minimum.

Why Friend’s Adult Diapers Are Your Go-to Options for Managing Urinary Incontinence Challenges

Friends Premium Adult Diapers can put an end to your confusion and panic about finding the perfect diapers for old age. The deeply absorbent and porous core made of Japanese SAP technology makes these adult diaper pants - the ideal solution for dealing with urinary incontinence challenges. High liquid retention and a dry feel for up to eight to ten hours are guaranteed with the multiple outer layers.

Being disposable, these elderly diapers help you maintain better urinary hygiene in comparison to cloth diapers which entail a messy changing process. Now, you can quickly change the diapers without any hassle and reduce the likelihood of rashes, redness, and infections due to the unique antibacterial material. Thus, Friends diapers enriched with the goodness of aloe vera keep your skin super-soft and healthy even as you control your incontinence issues.

The adult diaper pants are specially designed with elastic waistbands and brief-like openings for the Indian body type to ensure maximum protection and comfort. The unisex adult diapers come in various sizes such as M, L, XL, XXL. Also, they have an intelligent odor control system that completely locks the foul smell in the diaper layers.

Friends Adult Diapers can be purchased on a one-time basis, but they also offer an ongoing three-month subscription model to make sure you never run out of your diapers suddenly. 

The stigma associated with urinary incontinence often prevents the sufferers from coming forward and seeking the help they need. With their discrete and slim look, Friends Adult Diapers blend effortlessly with your regular clothing to empower you in overcoming the shame and embarrassment that diaper visibility may cause in public. 

There’s no need to check your diapers to prevent urinary leakages constantly. The elderly diapers contain wetness monitors, which efficiently track the fullness of the diapers and alert you in time for a diaper change. 

Bladder control and incontinence can turn out to be grave concerns during the months of pregnancy. Friends Maternity Pads with additional sticker strips can help all women navigate their pregnancy with ease. 

Friends Overnight Diapers help ensure maximum coverage against leakage through the long nights so that you never again have to wake up to a spoiled mattress and soaked clothes.

Here are some lifestyle changes that can help you manage incontinence -

  • Maintain a healthy weight - Research shows that losing even five to ten percent of weight when you are overweight can help reduce incontinence symptoms. This is why you should eat a balanced diet that supplies your body with all the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Do not consume acidic and spicy foods, which can irritate your bladder.

  • Hydration - Drinking less water to reduce your toilet visits can have an adverse effect by causing UTIs and aggravating your incontinence. Thus, consume eight to ten glasses of water in a day to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid drinking beverages right before sleeping or starting any physical activity. To stay on the safe side and prevent sudden leakage, remember to urinate before exercising.

  • Since constipation is a major cause of urinary incontinence, you should increase your fiber intake by including more raw vegetables and fruits in your meals.

  • Movement - If you are bed-ridden due to any other medical condition, try to sit upright at timely intervals and rotate on your sides to prevent bladder ulcers and worsening incontinence.

  • Practicing regular kegel exercises can strengthen the pelvic floor muscle and improve urinary incontinence. For Kegel exercises, you just have to hold and relax your pelvic floor muscles; you can start with short durations initially and then hold it for a longer time. Aim to complete as many repetitions as you can comfortably do.

  • Quit smoking if you are a regular smoker to alleviate your incontinence symptoms.

  • Emptying your bladder routinely- Instead of waiting for an urge to urinate, start practicing going to the bathroom according to a set schedule to train your bladder muscle. Over time, increase the time gaps between each bathroom trip to build your bladder’s controlling capacity.

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects that can strain your bladder muscles and worsen your incontinence.

We understand that living with incontinence can be challenging and complicated, but Friends Adult diapers - the best diaper for adults will ensure that you don’t have to stay hidden in your homes ever again. In addition to that, the care, support, and love of friends and family can make your incontinence journey safe and happy.

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