Did You Know Hormonal Imbalance Can Impact Bladder Health?
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Urinary incontinence is a common problem that mostly affects the elderly. This happens when a person loses bladder control, leading to the leakage of urine anytime and anywhere. When compared between genders, bladder issues in women are more common.

Hormonal Changes in Women

A woman undergoes hormonal changes in different stages of her life, and the increased levels or depletion of some hormones can disrupt her body’s functioning. The hormone estrogen plays a major role in women. It is mainly responsible for a woman’s monthly period, developing the thick lining of the uterus and releasing it during the menses. It also helps the pelvic floor to be strong and supple, giving greater control over bladder and bowel functions. A drop in estrogen levels can affect the muscle strength in the pelvic region. Menopause and incontinence are closely linked together; it is one of the main reasons behind bladder problems in women.

Estrogen depletion is one of the signs of hormonal imbalance in women that is usually experienced during menopause. It can contribute to more urgency and frequency of urination. One of the best ways to keep up with urinary incontinence is through the use of adult diapers for women. These diapers are especially helpful for old-age women who have additional medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney problems or Alzheimer’s, along with shifts in their hormonal balance.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in women

  • Gaining weight

  • A hump of fat between the shoulder blades

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Fatigue and tiredness

  • Weakness of the muscles

  • muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness.

  • Facing joint problems

  • Changes in your heart rate

Let’s look at some of the times when hormonal changes can occur and cause bladder issues in women:

Menopause –

Low levels of estrogen and urinary incontinence go hand in hand. As women age and start approaching menopause, the ovaries slow down the process of making estrogen, and the levels of this female sex hormone naturally decline in the body. Eventually, with menopause, the production of estrogen stops, and this impacts the body in many ways. Without estrogen, women find it difficult to maintain healthy urologic functions during and after menopause. Bladder control for women begins alongside their final menstrual period and increases thereafter. Adult diapers are one of the best solutions for women to manage this crucial transition and stay active despite their estrogen deficiency.

All of this is not to say that women can’t experience incontinence during period years. You should have things checked out if this is the case for you.

Pregnancy –

Estrogen and progesterone levels increase steadily during pregnancy and reach their peak in the third trimester. The increasing levels of estrogen, along with the pressure put by the growing fetus on the bladder muscles, results in incontinence. In case the pregnancy has complications, women are advised to avoid as much exertion as possible and stay on bed rest. At such times, getting up to use the bathroom often can put a strain on their health. Through the use of hypoallergenic maternity pads and underpads for bed, pregnant women can get adequate rest and sleep without worrying about getting up frequently and soiling their clothes and sheets.

Changes during the monthly menstrual cycle –

Estrogen levels are known to change throughout the monthly cycle. It reaches its peak during ovulating and is at the lowest just before or during the menses. This is why some women experience leakage during their cycles. For such occasions, or when the signs of hormonal imbalance in women begin to show, young or older-aged women can use adult diapers to go about their daily routine without apprehension.

Adult diapers for changes during the monthly menstrual cycle

Hysterectomy –

A hysterectomy is a surgical process to remove the womb (uterus). Sometimes, along with the uterus, the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures are also removed. After the surgery, the pelvic floor muscles weaken, and sag and the removal of ovaries can significantly drop estrogen levels in the body, causing incontinence in women. While being on bed rest after the surgery, women can use underpads for bed which helps in managing incontinence. The underpads not only protect the delicate skin of the patient after surgery through quick absorption of their flow, but they also prevent the mattress of the bed from stains and mess.

Hormone Replacement Therapy –

Some women who undergo hormone replacement therapy to treat symptoms of menopause experience urinary incontinence. Through this treatment, estrogen and progestin are added to the bloodstream since the hormones are not being made by the body. As a side effect of the medication, some women experience increased incontinence in the first few days or weeks of the treatment and can use adult diapers to manage the leakage.

Adult diapers to manage the leakage

As women grow older, hormonal imbalances can result in embarrassing and inconvenient problems. Along with urinary incontinence, older women also experience itching, vaginal burning and dryness, as well as become susceptible to urinary tract infections. There are many treatment options available that can help women get back to living their life without feeling shameful or guilty due to unavoidable leakage or other irritating symptoms. Using diapers for old age women in tandem with natural remedies like exercising and following the prescribed medical treatment by a doctor often helps in combating discomfort caused by hormonal imbalances.

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