Signs of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Mother | Friends Diaper
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One in every three new mothers experiences stress incontinence. Many do not consider it as a real medical problem. They simply ignore the condition and see it as just another ‘normal’ part of their lives. Contrary to myth/ popular belief -

Mental stress is NOT at all a cause of stress incontinence.

Stress urinary incontinence is an involuntary release of urine without any urge, a health condition that’s more common among women, especially mothers. The muscles of the urethra and the tube that conducts urine out of the bladder are responsible for closing the bladder outlet, to keep the urine within. But, when these muscles don’t work well enough, there will be an unintentional release of urine, which is termed as stress incontinence. One can manage their incontinence episodes with adult diapers, Kegel exercises, and bladder training. However, whether it is treatable or not depends entirely on the root cause.

Below are few causes and instances, that are telltale Signs of Stress Incontinence that mothers need to be aware of:

1) Pregnancy and Childbirth - There are multiple factors during pregnancy and childbirth that weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor. A baby that is large or heavy might cause some damage to the pelvic floor. Hence, in case of vaginal delivery, pelvic floor muscles stretch out.

2) Routine Habits - A working mother needs to balance office responsibilities and everyday household chores. Some of these household chores are physical in nature, which over time, put pressure on pelvic floor muscles, causing a bladder leak. Even little everyday things can cause stress incontinence, like -

• Coughing

• Sneezing

• Laughing

• Getting up from a chair/ getting out of bed

• Stepping out of a vehicle

• Lifting a heavy object.

3) Weight Issues - Women who are overweight are at a higher risk of developing stress incontinence, because excess body fat exerts increased pressure on the urinary bladder, resulting in leakage.

4) Post Menopause - After menopause, women experience a decline in estrogen, which is responsible for keeping the urethra in good health. Therefore, a low estrogen level affects the ability of the urethra to close the bladder outlet and hold in urine. Friends Adult Diapers offer comfy, highly effective adult diapers for women. So, if you or your family member or friend wants to manage your incontinence episodes the right way, check out our collection of adult diaper pants.

5) Ignoring the Problem/ Fear of Society - Mothers are often too caught-up taking care of their family, and are not vocal about their issues. There are many women in India who still refrain from talking openly about many health issues, due to the social stigma associated with them.

Until the pre-modern era, women might have felt helpless during those frequent “urine leaks” and they had to probably manage with cloth pieces or napkins. But today, there are highly absorbent disposable underwear or “Insert Pads”, aka that serve as the best option to manage incontinence, other than the surgical treatments. These are soft, light, comfortable and reliable. Best of all, you can find these amazing adult diapers online at Friends Adult Diapers and get them delivered without any hassle.

Know More: How can mothers treat stress incontinence?

It’s time to give your mothers a reality check!

A daughter is the best person whom her mother can talk to freely about the urinary incontinence condition. So, daughters should not only make their moms aware of the symptoms of stress incontinence but also tell them that #ItsNotOKMom, it's a ‘Sign of Stress Incontinence’ (SOSi).

And, there’s no better day to begin this discussion than Mother’s Day!

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