Neurogenic Bladder: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment | Friends Diaper
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What is a Neurogenic Bladder?

The muscles and nerves of the urinary tract work with each other to hold and release urine whenever the time is right. Nerves help relay messages between your bladder, spinal cord and brain. These messages ask the muscles of the bladder to either tighten or relax themselves as per need. In neurogenic bladder, this system becomes skewed and the nerves stop working as they should which results in terrible disasters.

A neurogenic bladder is what happens when the relationship between your nervous system and bladder goes a little crazy and it keeps you from having normal bladder control. 

Neurogenic bladder is a very common condition among people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. Any condition that damages the nerves such as advanced diabetes also cause a neurogenic bladder.

What are the types of Neurogenic Bladder?

Here is a neurogenic bladder classification for you:

  • Overactive bladder

    An overactive bladder causes you to lose control over your urinary activities. It can also cause you to feel sudden, frequent and often uncontrollable urges to urinate. Overactive bladder in men is more common than in women.   

  • Underactive bladder

    An underactive bladder is a condition which occurs when your bladder muscles are no longer able to hold your urine. You’re unable to sense when you need to pee, so the bladder fills itself with more urine than it can hold. This results in leaks and accidents. 

What are the symptoms of Neurogenic Bladder?

Nerve damage could lead to different types of bladder dysfunction. Here are some of the most common symptoms of neurogenic bladder:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) 

  • Kidney stones 

  • Inability to hold in pee (urinary incontinence) 

  • Being unable to fully empty the bladder 

  • Frequent and urgent urination 

  • Dribbling urine 

  • Being unable to tell when the bladder is full 

The symptoms of neurogenic bladder may look like other conditions. Always talk with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.

What causes Neurogenic Bladder?

These are some possible causes of neurogenic bladder:

  • Diabetes 

  • Infections 

  • Accidents that cause injury to the brain or the spinal cord 

  • Nerve problems that are genetic in nature 

  • Heavy metal poisoning 

  • Birth defects concerning the spinal cord 

  • Tumors in your brain or the spinal cord 

Diabetes and Neurogenic Bladder

Urinary dysfunctions have long been a problem associated with diabetes, and bladder problems can often be more severe in people with diabetes. 

Neurogenic bladder diabetes is usually a result of diabetic neuropathy. It causes the bladder to lose the ability to sense when it is full, causing you to leak urine.

Selective nerve damage due to diabetes also leads to autonomic neuropathy. The nerves are severely affected, resulting in decreased frequency of urination.

How is neurogenic bladder treated?

Do not ignore the signs of neurogenic bladder and seek medical help immediately. For a neurogenic bladder diagnosis, your healthcare provider may want to do tests for your brain, spinal cord, and bladder. They will review your health history and do a physical exam. Other tests for the treatment of neurogenic bladder may include:

  • X-rays of the skull and spine 

  • Imaging tests of the bladder and ureters 

  • Ultrasound (also called sonography) 

  • Cystoscopy 

  • Tests that involve filling the bladder, such as urodynamics 

Neurogenic bladder requires treatment from a urologist who specialize in neurourology. Treatment of neurogenic bladder depends on the cause. It can include the following:

  • Neurogenic bladder medications

  • Emptying the bladder with a catheter at regular times 

  • Preventive antibiotics to reduce infection 

  • Placing an artificial cuff around the neck of the bladder which can be inflated to hold urine and deflated to release it 

  • Surgery to remove stones or blockages 

  • Botox injections into the bladder muscle 

  • Placement of an electrical device to stimulate or slow down bladder activity 

  • Use of adult diapers to manage urine leakage 

Instead of using painful catheters and other alternatives that still leave you with UTIs, give adult diapers a try. Friends is the pioneer of adult diapers in the country. With over 20+ years of experience in the Indian market, we are the experts in making adult diapers. Friends Adult Diapers: 

  • are made for the Indian body-type for a snug, leak-free fit 

  • can hold up to 8 hours of leakage  

  • filled with Super Absorbent Polymer that instantly locks liquid in gel form 

  • have side-leak guards for maximum protection  

  • are anti-bacterial and anti- odour  

  • treated with jojoba and aloe extracts to keep your skin soft and supple

  • can be worn by both men and women

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