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Pregnancy is a seesaw of emotions and, let's be honest, a whole lot of discomfort. And just when you thought you had it all figured out, a UTI strikes! Bacteria could enter your urinary system unexpectedly and can cause an infection. Let’s see how to deal with this unwanted urine infection in pregnancy.

What is a UTI?

First, let’s understand what UTI is. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system, which includes your bladder, ureters, urethra, and kidneys. It is mostly caused by E. coli bacteria. This bacteria can enter your urethra (the tube that lets urine leave your bladder and body) when you use unclean washrooms, hold urine in for long periods, or have bowel incontinence. UTI and pregnancy are not directly related, but pregnancy can increase the risk of getting a urine infection during pregnancy.

Getting UTI Infection While Pregnant

So, why are pregnant women more prone to UTIs? During pregnancy, your body undergoes several changes, including hormonal shifts and physical changes. Your growing uterus can put pressure on your bladder, making it harder to empty. This can create a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Plus, pregnancy hormones can relax the muscles in your urinary tract, slowing down the urine flow and increasing the risk of infection.

UTI in early pregnancy is pretty common, but it is also easily treatable if you recognise the symptoms early on.

6 UTI while pregnant symptoms include:

  1. Frequent Urination:

    Feeling the need to urine more often than usual, even if only a small amount comes out.
  2. Burning Sensation:

    A sharp pain or a burning sensation when you urinate.
  3. Cloudy Urine:

    The colour of your urine isn't the regular watery yellow; instead, it is cloudy or foamy.
  4. Strong Odour:

    Urine can have a strong odour but if it smells fishy or any kind of unpleasant, it could be a UTI infection while pregnant.
  5. Pelvic Pain:

    Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvic area, or anywhere near your urethra could indicate an infection.
  6. Fever and Chills:

    Having a fever, chills, or sweat could indicate that the UTI infection while pregnant is spreading to your kidneys.

Look out for these UTI symptoms during pregnancy and start the treatment immediately.

7 Home Remedies for UTI During Pregnancy

You must visit a doctor for UTI pregnancy treatment, but there are also a few things you can do at home. Here are some helpful home remedies for UTI during pregnancy:

  1. Stay Hydrated:

    Water is your best friend. Drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria from your urinary tract. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses a day. You could also try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber pieces, or a few mint leaves for a refreshing twist.
  2. Cranberry Juice:

    Cranberry juice contains A-type proanthocyanidins (PACs) compounds that might prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls. Opt for unsweetened cranberry juice to avoid extra sugar. However, don't overdo it; a glass or two a day is sufficient.
  3. Don’t Hold Urine:

    Holding urine is a big no-no. Empty your bladder completely every time. Sit there for a minute if you have to, but do the job completely.
  4. Warm Bath:

    A warm bath is not a remedy but can soothe irritation. It's like giving your private parts a spa day. Or use Friends Bed Bath Towels to clean that area.
  5. Aloe Vera Gel:

    Using aloe vera on the external genital area can help with discomfort. It's like a cooling compress for your lady parts.
  6. Probiotics:

    Probiotics maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut and urinary tract. So, include probiotic-rich foods like curd in your diet.
  7. Wear Cotton Underwear:

    Wear breathable cotton underwear instead of synthetic fabrics. It allows air to circulate and reduces moisture and the risk of bacterial growth.


UTI infection while pregnant is a common but manageable issue. With a little knowledge and some proactive steps, you can keep those pesky bacteria at bay and focus on the beautiful journey of bringing a new life into the world. Contact your doctor immediately after you suspect a UTI. They'll be able to diagnose the infection and prescribe the right antibiotics. A little extra care can go a long way in pregnancy.


What is the fastest way to cure a UTI while pregnant?

The fastest way to cure a UTI during pregnancy is to consult your doctor. They can prescribe safe antibiotics that can clear the infection effectively. While home remedies can help manage symptoms, medical treatment is important for a full recovery.

Can UTI harm the baby during pregnancy?

UTI in itself cannot harm the baby during pregnancy. But if left untreated for a long time, it can lead to kidney issues. This could, in turn, be harmful to the baby.

What should I do if I think I have a UTI and am pregnant?

If you think you have a UTI and you are pregnant, you should visit your doctor immediately. Get tested for infections and start medication as soon as possible. Complete the entire course your doctor has prescribed to deal with UTI and pregnancy effectively.

Can mom pass UTI to baby?

No, fortunately, the mom cannot pass UTI to the baby. So, your baby is safe unless the urine infection during pregnancy reaches your kidneys. In that case, too, the baby won’t get UTI, but it might affect the baby’s health.

What can I eat to prevent UTI during pregnancy?

There’s no specific food that can prevent urine infection in pregnancy. You should have a balanced diet to maintain a good immune system so your body can fight off infections before they cause an issue.

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