How Diabetes Can Lead to Urinary Incontinence?
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Sometimes, a disease or health condition can lead to other risky health issues, especially if it is not managed timely. Urinary Incontinence is one of those health conditions that often occur as an effect of a much more serious health issue. It is the involuntary release of urine from the bladder. So, considering the usual symptoms of Diabetes, such as the urge to urinate more frequently, increased hunger and thirst, and fatigue, it is believed that it can lead to incontinence in several ways.

Diabetes is actually a metabolic condition in which blood sugar levels go higher than normal. It is an effect of the inability of the pancreas to create the hormone that injects glucose into the cells in one’s body.

A person suffering from diabetes can have bladder issues if their blood sugar levels are not controlled because that can cause nerve damage, which in turn, can lead to a neurogenic bladder. Not only that, but diabetes medication has also been observed as a cause of incontinence as it can lead to diarrhoea. In addition, there are few more ways diabetes can result in incontinence, like:

1. Obesity, which puts extra pressure on the bladder, resulting in stress urinary incontinence.

2. A weak immune system, which can lead to Urinary Tract Infections, also known as UTIs.

Despite various research studies conducted by doctors, a specific cause or link between diabetes and incontinence still has not been found. However, the scenarios mentioned above are the possible ones that can lead to incontinence in someone with diabetes. So, the patient can suffer from urinary incontinence but still won’t be able to know the root cause. In many cases, incontinence can be treated simply by treating the root cause. Therefore, consulting your doctor in order to know the underlying cause is highly advised.

“Adult diapers would be recommended in temporary cases and in cases where drugs have failed and surgeries won’t be effective. In severe CNS cases, like tumor operative on spinal cord or any spinal cord damage, we suggest diapers because that's the only solution, or a catheter in male patients. These are the only 2 things which will help because they will manage the condition effectively without any side effects. The brain does not give signals in cases of stroke, dementia, or spinal cord injury where denervation has occurred. So, for such patients, adult diapers are the only solution.”

- Diabetologist from Mumbai

If the person encounters incontinence episodes even after treating the root cause, that means it needs to be managed. Other than keeping your blood sugar levels under control to minimize the possibility of incontinence, there are a few more ways someone with Diabetes can manage incontinence, like using adult diapers, bladder training, and kegel exercises. Managing it will also require the patient to make much-needed lifestyle as well as dietary changes, like eating more of high fibre foods and avoiding spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.

To know more about how to treat incontinence better, follow this link.

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